
Windows 8.1 windows 10
Windows 8.1 windows 10

windows 8.1 windows 10 windows 8.1 windows 10

Hitting the Start button to search for an app or file left you with a massive full-screen Start screen that made little sense when it was first introduced in Windows 8 in 2012 and it still feels jarring today. Microsoft's huge push for touchscreen devices and tablets left desktop users feeling not only abandoned, but hugely confused. This familiarity is an asset compared to Windows 8.1. You know where to find things, you know what sort of results you're going to get from the Start Menu search bar and you understand the oddities of Windows Explorer, Task Manager and Control Panel. Windows 7 certainly set the benchmark for a relatively consistent and understandable user interface, although its key strength now is its familiarity. This comes as no surprise - Windows 10 makes the most sense if you want to receive free updates for the next seven years. Windows 10: October 14th, 2025 Winner: Windows 10 Windows 7 Service Pack 1: January 14th, 2020 The extended support cut-off dates for Windows are as follows: Luckily for all three of our operating systems here, you have several years before you'll even need to think about switching away from them. Still, it's important to have your affairs in order and a plan to switch ready to go.

Windows 8.1 windows 10